Hacker's Dungeon Machine Write up
Hacker’s Dungeon
We start by scanning the machine with nmap.
Discover all open ports:
Check what is exactly running on these ports:
Port 111 and 2049
Check HackTricks for pentesting rpcbin and nfs.
List NFS mounts:
nmap --script="nfs-showmount"
There is one folder /dungeon
Mount this folder.
mkdir /tmp/mount
sudo mount -t nfs /tmp/mount -o nolock
Nothing interesting.
Port 80
As we saw in our nmap scan that the robots.txt file has one disallowed directory which is wp-admin
which indecates that there is a wordpress running on port 80.
Visiting the site.
We know the version of wordpress and apache this might be helpfull, but let us look around more.
Checking the post by cliking on the date.
We notice that the post was written by user kasi.
We can confirm that the user kasi exists by trying to login with any random password on wp-login.php
adn reading the error message.
The different weeor message will be displayed if we try random username and password test:test
We try to brute force kasi’s password using hydra.
hydra -l kasi -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt http-form-post "/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^:F=incorrect"
We got the user’s password dogcat
After logging in we land on the profile page of the user, there is nothing interesting there.
Going around the dashboard we find out that we are normal user, so we cant do much.
Let us try and login with the same credentials thru ssh, there is a great chance the password is reused.
And we are in!!
We can find the user.txt flag in the user’s home directory.
Privilege Escalation
Running sudo -l
to check what the user kasi can run using sudo.
Run python simple web server on our attacking machine to host linpeas.sh, to transfer it to the machine.
python3 -m http.server 80
What is root_squash?
root_squash will allow the root user on the client to both access and create files on the NFS server as root. Technically speaking, this option will force NFS to change the client’s root to an anonymous ID and, in effect, this will increase security by preventing ownership of the root account on one system migrating to the other system. This is needed if you are hosting root filesystems on the NFS server (especially for diskless clients); with this in mind, it can be used (sparingly) for selected hosts, but you should not use no_root_squash unless you are aware of the consequences.
We need to make a binary that will set our user id to 0 and givves us a shell as root.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
return 0;
Compile it using gcc.
gcc test.c -o test
As the root user on the attacking machine copy the binray test
to the mounted directory, and set the SUID bit for it.
Back to the target machine on /dungeon we can find the binary and run it.
We can find the root.txt flag in the root user’s home directory.